The nose can have a dramatic impact on our overall appearance. It is in a central position of the face, and when it is out of balance, it can create disharmony amongst other features. Rhinoplasty by Dr. David Shifrin can have a profound effect on the appearance of the entire face. Rhinoplasty surgery utilizes techniques such as cartilage removal, nasal bone manipulation and/or tip shaping. It is designed to improve the appearance of the nose and, in some cases, to improve breathing. Dr. Shifrin uses two techniques, closed and open, to modify nasal architecture.



Many of our patients comment on their longstanding desire to change the appearance of their noses.

While there are classic descriptions of what the ideal shape and size of a nose should be, the final decision for nose shaping is uniquely tailored for each individual’s face and goals. Common Changes Include:

  • Shortening, narrowing, or straightening
  • Eliminating a prominent hump
  • Refining the tip or nostrils
  • Reducing a Wide or Bulbous Tip
Whether your nose shaping goals are small or you desire a more profound change, Chicago rhinoplasty provider Dr. Shifrin has the experience and skill to help you achieve your goal of a better looking, naturally balanced nose.


What are the benefits of rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common plastic surgery treatments, with approximately 200,000 surgeries performed yearly. While many people are motivated primarily by nose reshaping, the health advantages of this operation may surprise you.

Many patients benefit from rhinoplasty regarding self-esteem, but it also provides general health advantages. If you’ve ever dwelt on your unique nose or been ridiculed about it, there might be significant emotional advantages. These adjustments, when combined, may enhance your self-esteem and confidence beyond your wildest dreams.

Rhinoplasty is not simply a cosmetic treatment; it is also therapeutic. Your health may suffer if mechanical concerns hinder appropriate air circulation. Rhinoplasty can open up blocked airways caused by genetics or trauma. Rhinoplasty may enhance your chances of obtaining a good night’s sleep.


Your Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty does not follow a strict protocol. Instead, depending on the patient's individual anatomy and desired outcomes, each operation is performed in its own unique way.

During the preparation for rhinoplasty Chicago plastic surgeon Dr. Shifrin will decide whether you need local anesthetic with sedation or full general anesthesia. Before surgery, you and your doctor should discuss what kind of anesthetic would be best for you. A rhinoplasty incision can be hidden inside the nose or externally at the nose’s base, in the space between the nostrils. Dr. Shifrin will likely realign the bones and cartilage close below the skin. You will be sent to a recovery room immediately following the procedure to ensure a safe and successful surgical procedure.



The ideal candidates for rhinoplasty are self-conscious or uncomfortable with their existing nose or have a deformity that must be corrected. In addition, patients undergoing rhinoplasty should be well-adjusted and have realistic expectations regarding the procedure.

The best prospects aim to enhance their appearance rather than seem flawless. Otherwise, they should be content with their lives and understand a nose operation is unlikely to make a big difference. While younger people do undergo nose jobs, it is preferable to wait until you are at least in your mid-teens. The reason for this is that at this age, the nose stops developing and altering considerably. You should be aware of what is involved in the procedure and prepare accordingly. For example, you may require time off from work following surgery to heal. In addition, any medical issues or allergies you may have should be disclosed. This decreases the possibility of an anesthesia or drug response.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

To decrease bleeding and edema after surgery, you must rest in bed with your head higher than your chest. In addition, swelling or splints put inside your nose after surgery may create congestion in your nose. Internal dressings are usually placed for one to seven days after surgery. Your doctor will also place a splint on your nose for protection and support. It is usually present for around a week.

Rhinoplasty Results

Changes in your nose, often measured in millimeters, can have a significant impact on how it appears. Dr. Shifrin can usually leave both of you satisfied with the results. However, minor changes are inadequate in certain cases, and you and Dr. Shifrin may decide to do a second procedure to make further improvements. If this is the scenario, you must wait a minimum of a year before doing the follow-up surgery, considering your nose may change during this time.

Schedule your Chicago rhinoplasty consultation with Shifrin Plastic Surgery today

If you would like to learn more about the Rhinoplasty procedure, click here to request a consultation with Dr. Shifrin today. Alternatively, you can call our office at (312) 502-6200 to schedule your appointment.



What if I sneeze?
Nose blowing can cause bruising, edema, or bleeding. In addition, cartilage or bone may move and compromise the surgeon’s job depending on the power of the sneeze. After surgery, this limitation lasts a few weeks.
What are the risks?
How long you sleep with your head raised after rhinoplasty depends on your operation and other circumstances. However, most patients sleep upright after rhinoplasty for seven-ten days.

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