You’ve worked hard in the gym and focused on your diet to lose weight and to improve your physique. If your at your desired weight but not your desired shape, now may be the time to consider a male tummy tuck. In todays world, cosmetic surgery and tummy tucks are not just for women.
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Abdominoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries becoming increasingly popular for men. If you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck, additional combination surgeries such as liposuction also may be appropriate. We each have our own unique profile of age, body type and tissue consistency. This profile combined with your desired shape is what dictates which procedure is right for you. Chicago male tummy tuck provider Dr. Shifrin has the knowledge, skill, and experience to provide each patient with an individualized procedure to safely meet their goals. The following is a list of some of the tummy tuck procedures Dr. Shifrin uses to achieve your desired result.
Endoscopic Tummy Tuck
The endoscopic tummy tuck is designed for patients that need muscle tightening but do not require excess skin removal. A small hidden incision is made inside the belly button and in the hair bearing area of the pubic region. With the use of tiny cameras and special surgical equipment the muscles are tightened improving the profile and flattening the stomach. We often perform liposuction together with the endoscopic tummy tuck.
Mini Tummy Tuck
A mini tummy tuck is ideal for patients that have a minimal amount of abdominal skin and soft-tissue excess and/or stretch marks located below the belly button. The mini tummy tuck procedure requires a limited and therefore the final scar will be shorter than a traditional or full tummy tuck procedure. The belly button is also left intact without any scars present in that area. Muscle tightening and liposuction can still be performed as needed.
Full Tummy Tuck
The most common tummy tuck procedure is a full traditional abdominoplasty. The majority of patients requesting abdominal contouring are best served with a full tummy tuck. The technique removes all of the excess skin and soft tissue laxity, it tightens the abdominal muscles flattening and toning the abdominal wall, changes the belly button from a stretched out wide appearance to a smaller vertically oriented shape and improves the entire contour and profile of the abdomen. Liposuction is frequently performed at the same time to improve the contour. Our Chicago patients at David Shifrin MD are extremely satisfied with the results they achieve from this procedure, reporting waist size decreases on average of 2 to 4 sizes.
Circumferential Tummy Tuck/Lower Body Lift
Patients who have excess skin and soft-tissue laxity of the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks are best served by a body lift or circumferential tummy tuck. This procedure removes excess skin and soft-tissue from the abdomen, the hips, the back and the upper part of the buttocks. Muscle tightening, liposuction, and buttocks rejuvenation are commonly performed at the same time. The end result of this powerful procedure is a slimmer, flatter tummy, smoother hips and thighs, and lifted and rejuvenated buttocks.
Revision Tummy Tuck
Many patients come to our practice to correct or improve a previously performed tummy tuck or body contouring procedure. Reasons for revision surgery may include unsightly scars, excess fat and residual soft tissue laxity, high pubic hair line and unsightly belly button shape.
If you would like to learn more about Male Tummy Tucks Chicago residents can click here to request a consultation with Dr. Shifrin today. Alternatively you can call our office at (312) 502-6200 to schedule your appointment.