Whether its a due to aging or weight loss, the shape and contour of the upper arms is a cause for dissatisfaction. While a proper diet and exercise is the cornerstone of achieving a fit body, some parts of our body do not seem to improve regardless of how hard we try. At David Shifrin MD in Chicago, Brachioplasty, or an arm lift, encompasses a group of cosmetic procedures used to slim, shape, and tighten the upper arm. We strive to deliver the best Brachioplasty Chicago has to offer. Men and women alike are unhappy with the appearance of their arms due to:
- Excess stretched skin
- Visible stretch marks
- Region out of proportion to rest of body
- Inability to properly fit into clothes
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There are a variety of rejuvenating procedures available to help improve the appearance of your arms.
Dr. Shifrin will identify the underlying cause of the problem area and will design a treatment plan specifically tailored to suit your needs. Commonly, removal of excess skin and soft tissue is combined with liposuction to slim the overall size of the region and to remove and tuck away the excess jiggling skin. The incision is placed along the inside of the upper arm and varies in length depending on the degree of correction necessary. During consultation, Dr. Shifrin can help our Chicago Brachioplasty patients decide which treatment is best suited for their body and goals.
If you would like to learn more about the Brachioplasty procedure, click here to request a consultation with Dr. Shifrin today. Alternatively you can call our office at (312) 502-6200 to schedule your appointment.